- Minutes of the XXIIIth General Assembly of the IAMG (Busan, 2024)
- Minutes of the XXIIth General Assembly of the IAMG (Trondheim, 2023)
- Minutes of the XXIth General Assembly of the IAMG (Nancy, 2022)
- Minutes of the XVIth General Assembly of the IAMG (Cape Town, 2016)
- Minutes of the XVth General Assembly of the IAMG (Brisbane, 2012)
- Minutes of the XIVth General Assembly of the IAMG (Budapest, 2010)
- Minutes of the XIIIth General Assembly of the IAMG (Oslo, Norway, 2008)
- Minutes of the XIIth General Assembly of the IAMG (Florence, Italy, 2004)
- Minutes of the XIth General Assembly of the IAMG (Berlin, Germany, 2002)
- Minutes of the Xth General Assembly of the IAMG (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000)
- Minutes of the IXth General Assembly of the IAMG (Ischia, Italy, 1998)