(formerly Mathematical Geology)
Each year, the editorial board of Mathematical Geosciences selects an
outstanding paper published in that journal to receive the Best Paper
In selecting a best paper, the editorial board uses the
following criteria: a best paper represents a significant advance by
presenting a new concept or method with important applications, or a
breakthrough on a long-standing problem; is well-written,
clearly-illustrated, and referenced comprehensively; and is likely to be
cited often in the literature for many years.
To recognize their achievement, authors will each receive a year’s
membership in the IAMG with a subscription to Mathematical Geosciences.
Recipients of the award
2021: Michael Hillier, Florian Wellmann, Boyan Brodaric, Eric de Kemp & Ernst Schetselaar
Three-Dimensional Structural Geological Modeling Using Graph Neural Networks
To read the complete text of the announcement, click here.
2020: Lukas Mosser, Olivier Dubrule, and Martin J. Blunt
Stochastic Seismic Waveform Inversion Using Generative Adversarial Networks as a Geological Prior
To read the complete text of the announcement, click here.
2019: Carl Jacquemyn, Matthew D. Jackson and Gary J. Hampson
Surface-Based Geological Reservoir Modelling Using Grid-Free NURBS Curves and Surfaces
To read the complete text of the announcement, click here.
2018: Yuzhu Wang, Christoph H. Arns, Sheik S. Rahman, Ji-Youn Arns
Porous Structure Reconstruction Using Convolutional Neural Networks
To read the complete text of the announcement, click here.
2016: Denis Allard, Rachid Senoussi, and Emilio Porcu
Anisotropy Models for Spatial Data
To read the complete text of the announcement, click here.
2015: David Volent Lindberg and Dario Grana
Petro-Elastic Log-Facies Classification Using the Expectation–Maximization Algorithm and Hidden Markov Models
To read the complete text of the announcement, click here.
2014: Hai Vo and Louis J. Durlofsky
A New Differentiable Parameterization Based on Principal Component Analysis for the Low-Dimensional Representation of Complex Geological Models
To read the complete text of the announcement, click here.
2013: Phaedon Kyriakidis and Petros Gaganis
Efficient Simulation of (Log)Normal Random Fields for Hydrogeological Applications
To read the complete text of the announcement, click here.
2012: Chunsheng Ma
Stationary and Isotropic Vector Random Fields on Sphere
2010: Debarun Bhattacharjya, Jo Eidsvik, and Tapan Mukerji
The value of information in spatial decision making
42 (2):141-163
To read the complete text of the announcement, click here.
2009: Yuan Zee Ma
Simpson’s Paradox in Natural Resource Evaluation
41(2): 193–213
To read the complete text of the announcement, click here.
2008: Pallaz Sarma, Louis F. Durlofksy and Khlaid Aziz
Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Efficient, Differentiable Parameterization of Multipoint Geostatistics
40(1): 3-32
To read the complete text of the announcement, click here.
2007: G. Burc Arpat and Jef Caers
Conditional Simulation with Patterns
Ben P. Marchant and Richard Murray Lark
Optimized Sample Schemes for Geostatistical Surveys
39(1): 113-134
2006: Jean-Stéphane Bailly, Pascal Monestiez and Philippe Lagacherie
Modeling Spatial Variability along Drainage Networks with Geostatistics
Frank C. Curriero
On the Use of Non-Euclidean Distance Measures in Geostatistics
2005: Georges Verly
Grade control classification of ore and waste: A critical review of estimation and simulation based procedures
2004: Jean-Laurent Mallet
Space-time mathematical framework for sedimentary geology
2003: J. Antonio Vargas-Guzman and Roussos Dimitrakopoulos
Successive nonparametric estimation of conditional distributions
2002: André Haas and Philippe Formery
Uncertainties in facies proportion estimation I. Theoretical framework: The Dirichlet distribution
2001: Lin Y. Hu, Georges Blanc and Benoit Noetinger
Gradual deformation and iterative calibration of sequential stochastic simulations
2000: Christopher D. White and Brian J. Willis
A method to estimate length distributions from outcrop data
1999: Patrick Bogaert
On the optimal estimation of the cumulative distribution function in presence of spatial dependence
31(2) 213-239
1998: Tingting Yao and Andre G. Journel
Automatic modeling of (cross) covariance tables using fast Fourier transform
30(6) 589-615
1997: Jean-Laurent Mallet
Discrete modeling for natural objects
29(2) 199-219
1996: Yvon Halbwachs, Gabriel Courriouz, Xavier Renaud and Philippe Repusseau
Topological and geometric characterization of fault networks using 3-dimensional generalized maps
28(5) 625-656
1995: Dean S. Oliver
Moving averages for Gaussian simulation in two and three dimensions
27(8) 939-960
1994: Alberto S. Almeida and André G. Journel
Joint simulation of multiple variables with a Markov-type coregionalization model
26(5) 565-588
1993: Vera Pawlowsky, Ricard A. Olea and John C. Davis
Boundary assessment under uncertainty: a case study
25(2) 125-144
Pierre Goovaerts
Spatial orthogonality of the principal components computed from coregionalized variables
25(3) 281-302
1986: I. Carina Lemmer
Mononodal indicator variography-Part I: theory
18(7) 589-604
1985: N.I. Fisher, J.F. Huntington, D.R. Jackett, M.E. Willcox & J.W. Creasey
Spatial analysis of two-dimensional orientation data
17(2) 177-194
1984: Göran Granath
Application of fuzzy clustering and fuzzy classification to evaluate the provenance of glacial till
16(3) 283-301
1983: Di Zhou, Theodore Chang and John C. Davis
Dual extraction of R-mode and Q-mode factor solutions
15(5) 581-606
1982: George A. Griffiths
Stochastic prediction in geomorphology using Bayesian inference models
14(1) 65-75
1981: John Aitchison
A new approach to nul correlations of proportions
1980: Paul Switzer
Extension of linear discriminant analysis for statistical classification of remotely sensed satellite imagery
12(4) 367-376
1979: Michael F. Dacey and William C. Krumbein
Models of breakage and selection for particle size distributions
11(2) 193-222
1978: John C. Griffiths
Mineral resource assessment using the unit regional value concept
10(5) 441-472
1977: Istvan Dienes and C. John Mann
Mathematical formalization of stratigraphic terminology
9(6) 587-603
1976: Martha W. Gilliland
A geochemical model for evaluation theories on the genesis of Florida’s sedimentary phosphate deposits
8(3) 219-242