approved by the IAMG Council on October 15, 2009

1. Aims and responsibilities

Broadly, the duty of the Committee is the internal and external coordination and oversight of meetings as part of a general effort to strive for excellence. In particular, the Committee shall:

1.1. Share responsibility with Council to make sure that selection of IAMG conference sites is timely and openly advertised, resulting in bids to be evaluated at least 30 months before the actual holding of the conference.

1.2. Invite ideas for the enhancement of the IAMG conferences, especially from organizers of previous events, amending the Guidelines to Organize IAMG Conferences, if necessary. Final approval of any changes in guidelines requires final ratification by Council.

1.3. Coordinate with each local organizing committee in charge of organizing an IAMG conference assuring proper scheduling of all necessary activities from calling of papers to publication of proceedings with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), while each organizing committee remains in full charge of all aspects of its conference, including the technical program and financial responsibilities.

1.4. Interact with the IGC Councilor in the preparation of sessions at the International Geological Congress to advance quantitative modeling in the geosciences and provide maximum visibility to the presentation of IAMG awards.

1.5. Remain in contact with the Awards Committee to insure that selection of award recipients is done on time, recipients are notified, and preparations of ceremonies to make official presentation of the recognitions are properly arranged.

1.6. Work together with the Georges Matheron Lecture Committee for timely selection of the annual lecturer and adequate scheduling of the talk.

1.7. Coordinate with the Vice-president in charge of organizing special sessions at the biennial meetings of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) for well-timed preparation of high level programs. Such Vice-President remains as the Official in charge of organizing such sessions.

1.8. Stay alert for opportunities to collaborate with related societies.

1.9. Periodically review and update the Guidelines for Meeting Grants.

1.10. Review applications for support to meetings related to mathematical geosciences but not organized by the association.

2. Membership

The Committee shall have up to five voting members. They will be elected as provided in Statute 4 and By-law 7. The Vice-president in charge of organizing the ISI sessions will be the ex officio member representing the President.

2.1. The IGC Councilor shall automatically serve as one of the voting members while serving in the Council in such capacity.