Medallists, year of nomination, and place of announcement, either in the Mathematical Geology journal (MG) or the Newsletter (NL), are:
(*)Declined the honor

Krumbein Medal Year Medalist Announcement
1 1976 John C. Griffiths MG 10 (3) 315-316
2 1977 Walther Schwarzacher MG 10 (4) 391-392
3 1978 Frederik P. Agterberg MG 10 (6) 699-700
4 1979 Richard A. Reyment MG 11 (4) 443-444
5 1980 Andrei B. Vistelius MG 13 (3) 243-245
6 1981 Daniel F. Merriam MG 14 (6) 679-681
7 1982 Daniel G. Krige MG 15 (6) 709-712
8 1983 Georges Matheron(*)
9 1984 Felix Chayes MG 18 (2) 263-266
10 1985 John W. Harbaugh MG 19 (4) 365-367
11 1986 John C. Davis MG 20 (1) 69-71
12 1987 Michel David NL 38, p. 1
13 1988 E. H. Timothy Whitten MG 22 (5) 635-636
14 1989 Andre G. Journel MG 25 (2) 259-260
15 1990 Zhao Pengda MG 25 (3) 419-420
16 1991 Vaclav Nemec MG 26 (6) 753-755
17 1992 Richard B. McCammon MG 27 (3) 463-466
18 1993 DeVerle P. Harris MG 27 (4) 555-558
19 1994 Dmitrii A. Rodionov MG 29 (2) 311-313
20 1995 John Aitchison MG 31(1) 139-142
21 1996 Jan E. Harff MG 31(2) 245-248
22 1998 Graeme Bonham-Carter MG 31(8) 1013-1018
23 2000 Richard J. Howarth MG 33(3), 393-396
24 2002 Michael Ed. Hohn MG 35(4), 493-497
25 2004 Ricardo Olea MG 41(5), 605-607
26 2006 Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn MG 39(1), 135-139
27 2008 Qiuming Cheng MG 40(8) 929-931
28 2010 Lawrence J. Drew MG 43(4) 503-504
29 2012 Eric Grunsky MG 44(8) 1039-1042
30 2014 Jef Caers
31 2016 Peter Dowd
32 2018 Roussos Dimitrakopoulos
33 2020 Jaime Gómez-Hernández
34 2022 E.J.M. (John) Carranza MG 54. 827-830
35 2024 Jennifer McKinley  MG 56. 1135-1137